+91 461 2269306 pcscadkvk@gmail.com


இந்திய வேளாண் ஆராய்ச்சி கவுன்சில்

(வேளாண்மை மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் நல அமைச்சகம்)

On Farm Trial

List of On Farm Trials (OFT) for the year 2024 – 2025

1.       Assessment of suitable foliar nutrition in rice for higher productivity (Rabi)

2.       Assessment of Foliar nutrition for Groundnut in a rain fed farming system.

3.       Assessment  of weed management practices in Black gram under rain fed farming

4.       Assessment of Integrated nutrient management options in Cotton for higher productivity

5.       Assessment of high yielding chilli varieties for higher yield and income

6.       Assessment of High yielding Tomato Hybrids for higher yield and income

7.       Assessment of Brinjal varieties for higher yield and income

8.       Assessment of YVMV resistant Bhendi varieties

9.       Assessment of Pod Borers Management Technologies in Blackgram

10.     Assessment of Stem Borer Management Technologies in Paddy

11.     Assessment of IPM modules against sucking pest complex in Cotton

12.     Assessment of IDM for Onion twister disease

13.     Assessment of  Phyto-supplement  ‘Ome-B ‘ for increasing the milk fat in crossbred dairy cows

14.     Assessment of Masti Heal gel to control Sub clinical Mastitis in Dairy animals

15.     Assessment of Herbal products for stress management in cattle

16.     Assessment of prepartum dietary anionic supplements for the management of hypocalcaemia in pluriparous dairy cows

17.     Impact study on adoption of Paddy Integrated Crop Management Practices in Thoothukudi District

18.     Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by KVK on adoption of technologies among the farmers of Srivaikundam, Karunkulam blocks of Thoothukudi District.

19.     Impact on Green gram Demonstrated Technology under Cluster Front Line Demonstration in Thoothukudi District