+91 461 2269306 pcscadkvk@gmail.com


இந்திய வேளாண் ஆராய்ச்சி கவுன்சில்

(வேளாண்மை மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் நல அமைச்சகம்)

Horticulture Technologies

1. Hybrid Bhendi Cultivation






1. February- March

2. June- July

3. September –October

Seed Rate





Between rows 60cm x between plants 45cm

Fertilizer Management


Basal; 10 tonnes of farmyard manure, 1 kg each of Azospyrillum and Phospho bacteria. 85, 220, 65 kg of Urea, Super Phosphate and Muriate of Potash per acre.

Top dressing: Give 85 kg of urea alone on 30th  DAS

Foliar Application


1 % urea (10 g/l) +  muriate of potash (10 g/l) on 30 and 45 days after planting and vegetable special  three times @ 0.3% (3 g/l)    at 10 days interval from 35 days after planting.

Special features


·     Duration 110days, 25-30 pods/plant,

·     First harvest -39th day

·     Total Harvest-22-24,

·     Yield- 13-14tonnes/acre,

·     Resistant to YVMV   Disease


2. Special cultivation technologies for fruit trees

a. Pruning of Mango trees

Pruning of weak, overlapping, inter-crossing, diseased branches should be done during second week of August or before the second week of September to get good sunlight and aeration. After pruning, apply Paclobutrazol@10gm during first fortnight of September to get maximum number of fruits. To increase the flowering and fruit set, foliar application of 0.5% (5gm/lit of water) should be given. Foliar application of 1%(10gm/lit of water) potassium Nitrate at mustard fruit size will increase the fruit set and retention of fruits.


b. Technologies for banana bunch yield increase

At the time of planting Banana suckers, apply 25gm of Pseudomonas or 250gm of neem cake along with 10kg of farmyard manure with 20gm each of Azospirillum and phasphobacteria per pit.  Apply 75gm of urea, 150gm super phosphate, 200gm of Potash during 3rd, 5th and 7th month after planting. Apply full amount of Super Phosphate during 3rd month itself and no need to apply super phosphate during 5th and 7th month. To increase the banana bunch weight and to increase the banana yield, Foliar application of Banana special (micro nutrient mixture) during 4th 5th, 6th, and 7th month @5gm per lit of water will be very useful. Add 10ml of lemon juice per tank while spraying on banana special.